The Role of Leadership in Planning
Written by The One Page Business Plan Company, on November 16, 2021
Executives love to talk about planning… but most complain their processes don’t work very well. Harvard Business Review reports that only 11% of CEO’s believe that strategic planning is worth the effort. Most planning processes are too complex, and only document decisions already made. CEO’s have the responsibility to make their planning processes effective. The key is to keep the processes simple and focused.
Here are some of our observations about the role of leaders in planning:
- Almost all leaders can talk about where they are taking their business, but talking is easy.
- Ask them to put in it in writing…almost all will struggle.
- Mark Twain said, “Mother Nature created writing to demonstrate just how disorganized the human brain really is!”
- Everybody in the organization is constantly watching what the CEO says and does. If you want to know what most CEO’s really think…watch their actions, not their words.
- Leaders want to lead. They want to be understood. Employees want to follow, execute and excel! Somehow the process of planning and communicating the plan falls apart in most companies.
- Sharing the plan is not enough! Leaders need to paint the big picture…and then invite the team to participate in the process.
Once the team knows the big picture, our favorite questions are:
• From where you sit, what does the future look like?
• What would be the steps you would take to get there?
• What are the obstacles you need to overcome?
• What resources are required?
• What will you measure to know if you are successful?
Some Steps to Take:
Treat planning is a continuous process…not an event.
Your final “plan document” should represent a set of decisions.
Make your plans work by making sure they get implemented and periodically reviewed. Click here to see how One Page Plans are an easy way to accomplish this.
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