Creating a remarkable vision statement takes deep thought and reflection on why your company exists and what your company seeks to be. But once most owners and executives write one, it often takes a back seat to the day-to-day operation of the business.

A great vision statement must be shared, vigorously pursued, and followed up. Here are some recommendations we often give our clients…

Articulate the Vision

Once what was in one’s head has been carefully put into writing, a leader must passionately and relentlessly share their vision with those around them. Employees, customers, vendors, investors, and strategic partners should understand and buy into the vision. This will help build the confidence they are affiliated with a company that knows what it is and where it’s going. Then they can help achieve that vision.

Chase the Vision, Not the Money

If you pursue your vision, the money will come. If one’s vision is to make a lot of money, you’ll shortchange yourself in the long run.

Own the Vision

If a leader doesn’t “own” their vision, who else will? Working to achieve one’s must be vision a big part of their daily routine; anything less than that will disappoint in the long run. No one will pursue your vision as vigorously as you will… it just can’t be delegated.

Follow Up to Ensure the Vision is Achieved

Vision statements guide the creation of strategies and objectives—all tied together with a common purpose of achievement. Each direct report should have their own short business plan that aligns with and supports the vision. Each of those plans should be subject to weekly or monthly one-on-one check-ins to ensure the vision moves forward.

Part of the One Page Business Plan Process is creating persuasive vision statements. It doesn’t have to take weeks of meetings or lengthy documents. Using our trademarked keyword and short phase methods, a great vision statement can be crafted in just days. Our system also contains simple and easy follow-up tools to help ensure that vision is achieved. To learn more, click the button below to see how One Page Plans might work in your organization.